Bonobo (pan Paniscus) Density and Distribution in Central Africa's Largest Rainforest Reserve: Long-term Survey Data Show Pitfalls in Methodological Approaches and Call for Vigilance Mattia Bessone , Hjalmar S. Kühl , Ilka Herbinger , Gottfried Hohmann , Kouamé Paul N’Goran , Papy Asanzi , Stephen Blake , Michel Basele , Martin Bofeko , Nono Bondjengo , Pitshou Wangongo Bondo , Rigobert Booto , Pedro Barros da Costa , Violette Dérozier , Maurice Emetshu , Ernest Dadis Bush Fotsing , Falk Grossmann , Patrick Guislain , John Hart , Bernard Beka Ikembelo , Mpongo Dieumerci Iyomi , Bila-Isia Inogwabini , Oke Intamba , Iyomi Bernard Iyatshi , Pierre Kafando , Mbangi Augustin Kambere , Jean-Léon Kambale Katembo , Janvier Katembo Kukumanga , Innocent Liengola , Fiona Maisels , Florence Maliva , Maurice Manala , Samy Matungila , Menard Mbende , Jean A. D. Mbenga , Dissondet Baudelaire Moundzoho , Pamus Paluku Musenzi , Steven Mwanduko , Pascal Naky , Mozart Ngomo , Pele M. Nkumu , Robert Ratsina , Gay Edwards Reinartz , Tenekwetche Sop , Samantha Strindberg , Ashley Vosper , Loving Kako Wanzalire Musubaho , Barbara Fruth INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY(2024)
Key words
Camera trap distance sampling, Great apes, Occupancy, Population trend, Salonga National Park, Standing crop nest count
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