Flow MRD Monitoring Combining Laip/Dfn and CD34+CD38- LSCs is a Strong Predictor of Outcome in Adult AML Independently of the ELN-2022 Risk: First Results from the Multicentric Acute Leukemia French Intergroup MRD Flow Network Adriana Plesa , Stéphanie Mathis , Florent Dumezy , Anne-Catherine Lhoumeau , Veronique Saada , Isabelle Arnoux , Jennifer Osman , Nicolas Chapuis , Franck Geneviève , Mikael Roussel , Delphine Manzoni , Anne Roggy , Remi Letestu , Veronique Harrivel , Elsa Bera , Jean Feuillard , Hélène Lapillonne , Richard Veyrat-Masson , Tatiana Raskovalova , Bouchra Badaoui , Valerie Bardet , Caroline Mayeur-Rousse , Francois Vergez , Jean Philippe Vial , Valerie Goncalves Monteiro , Frédéric Feger , Dominique Penther , Isabelle Luquet , Eric Delabesse , Nicolas Duployez , Karine Celli-Lebras , Mathilde Hunault , Raphael Itzykson , Arnaud Pigneux , Christian Récher , Hervé Dombret , Claude Preudhomme , Christophe Roumier Blood(2024)
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