High-Risk Multiple Myeloma in Benefit (IFM 2020-05) Phase 3 Randomized Study of Isatuximab (isa) Plus Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone (rd) with Bortezomib Versus Isard in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Transplant Ineligible Multiple Myeloma (NDMM TI) Jill Corre , Jérôme Lambert , Arthur Bobin , Salomon Manier , Aurore Perrot , Lionel Karlin , Murielle Roussel , Noemie Bigot , Omar Benbrahim , Olivier Thierry Allangba , Philippe Rey , Veronique Dorvaux , Marguerite Vignon , Virginie Roland , Reda Garidi , Jean-Noel Bastie , Marie-Lorraine Chrétien , Sophie Godet , Lydia Montes , Brieuc Cherel , Thomas Chalopin , Borhane Slama , Kamel Laribi , Claire Dingremont , Christophe Roul , Valentine Richez , Clara Mariette , Sophie Rigaudeau , Claire Calmettes , Mamoun Dib , Mourad Tiab , Laure Vincent , Jacques Delaunay , Jean Pierre Marolleau , Pascal Godmer , Laurent Frenzel , Ronan Le Calloch , Emilie Chalayer , Helene Gardeney , Margaret Macro , Bruno Royer , Olivier Decaux , Bertrand Arnulf , Karim Belhadj Merzoug , Cyrille Touzeau , Mohamad Mohty , Aurelie Gontier , Amine Kasmi , Philippe Moreau , Thierry Facon , Herve Avet Loiseau , Cyrille Hulin , Xavier Leleu Blood(2024)
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