Secondary Genetic Alterations and Measurable Residual Disease in Core Binding Factor Acute Myeloid Leukemia - a Study from the Acute Leukemia French Intergroup Loic Vasseur , Matthieu Duchmann , Nicolas Duployez , Emmanuel Raffoux , Celine Berthon , Mael Heiblig , Alexis Genthon , Thorsten Braun , Mathieu Leclerc , Delphine Lebon , Sylvain Chantepie , Jean-Baptiste Micol , Juliette Lambert , Christian Recher , Marie-Lorraine Chrétien , Thomas Cluzeau , Julien Vaidie , Jean-Valère Malfuson , Madalina Uzunov , Arnaud Pigneux , Pierre Peterlin , Sihem Tarfi , Pierre Hirsch , Dominique Penther , Eric Jourdan , Karine Celli-Lebras , Claude Preudhomme , Hervé Dombret , Jérôme Lambert , Nicolas Boissel , Raphael Itzykson Blood(2024)
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