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Deferral of Routine Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Rationale and Design of the PRO-TAVI Trial.

Hugo M. Aarts,Kimberley I. Hemelrijk, Gijs M. Broeze,Dirk Jan van Ginkel, Geert A. A. Versteeg,Daniel C. Overduin, Jan G. Tijssen,Marcel A. M. Beijk,Jan Baan,Marije M. Vis,Jorrit S. Lemkes,Robbert J. de Winter,Michael G. Dickinson,Adriaan O. Kraaijeveld,Mostafa M. Mokhles, Thomas C. Dessing,Maik J. Grundeken,Bimmer E. P. M. Claessen,Pim A. L. Tonino,Carl E. Schotborgh, Martijn Meuwissen, Gert K. van Houwelingen, Joanna J. Wykrzykowska, Giovanni Amoroso, Tessel N. Vossenberg, Pieter A. Vriesendorp, Niels van Royen, Jurrien M. ten Berg, Ronak Delewi, Michiel Voskuil


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Key words
aortic valve stenosis,transcatheter aortic valve replacement,coronary artery disease,percutaneous coronary intervention
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