Author Correction: Daratumumab Plus Bortezomib, Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone for Transplant-Ineligible or Transplant-Deferred Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma: the Randomized Phase 3 CEPHEUS Trial Saad Z. Usmani , Thierry Facon , Vania Hungria , Nizar J. Bahlis , Christopher P. Venner , Marc Braunstein , Ludek Pour , Josep M. Martí , Supratik Basu , Yael C. Cohen , Morio Matsumoto , Kenshi Suzuki , Cyrille Hulin , Sebastian Grosicki , Wojciech Legiec , Meral Beksac , Angelo Maiolino , Hiroyuki Takamatsu , Aurore Perrot , Mehmet Turgut , Tahamtan Ahmadi , Weiping Liu , Jianping Wang , Katherine Chastain , Jessica Vermeulen , Maria Krevvata , Lorena Lopez-Masi , Jodi Carey , Melissa Rowe , Robin Carson , Sonja Zweegman Nature Medicine(2025)
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