Landscape of Guidance Documents Used at TropNet and GeoSentinel Centres for the Clinical Management of Schistosomiasis Outside Endemic Areas: A Systematic Appraisal. Francesca Tamarozzi , Cristina Mazzi , Spinello Antinori , Marta Arsuaga , Sören L Becker , Cristina Bocanegra , Emmanuel Bottieau , Dora Buonfrate , Amaya L Bustinduy , Daniel Camprubí-Ferrer , Eric Caumes , Alexandre Duvignaud , Martin P Grobusch , Ralph Huits , Stephane Jaureguiberry , Sabine Jordan , Andreas Mueller , Momar Ndao , Andreas Neumayr , Jose A Perez-Molina , Frank O Pettersen , Camilla Rothe , Joaquin Salas-Coronas , Fernando Salvador , J Russell Stothard , Lina R Tomasoni , Jaap J van Hellemond , Lisette van Lieshout , Stephen D Vaughan , Linda J Wammes , Cedric P Yansouni , Lorenzo Zammarchi , Federico G Gobbi Travel medicine and infectious disease(2025)
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