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J A Aguilar Ruiz,J A Altamirano Tinoco,E Lokossou Dossa,P Siles Gutierrez,J F Aguirre Medina,D M Moroyoqui Ovilla,A Mendoza Lopez,J Cadena Iniguez,C H Avendano Arrazate,J F Aguirre Cadena,Wilson Ardiles Diaz, Reydy Arredondo Reyes,G Molina, Enrique Vazquez,R Ramos,T Wondyifraw, Faustino Martinez Martinez,G Endale,T Alemayehu,A Zerihun,Claudia A Bustamante,M I Rodriguez,A Perez,L Arano,J E Ramirez,M Barquero,Fassbender H W Soto Munoz G,Pascal Descamps,W Diaz Hernandez,E Vasquez Lopez,G Molina Arias,P Rodriguez,R Vinals,N J H Smith,I C Falesi B,P De T Alvim C,E A S Serrao,K Y Banegas Romero,F Farfan Valencia,J B Urrego,G Lopez Gartner,M P Moncada Botero,A Figueroa M,O Borbon Martinez,H Gonzalez Osorio,S Sadeghian Khalajabadi,G E Montoya Ortiz,M A Cristancho Ardila,H G Rengifo Guzman,J E Leguizamon Caycedo,N M Riano Herrera,S Ignacio Cardenas,G Soto, Leonardo A G Garcia,J Haggar,E De Melo,R Munguia,C Staver,G Canet Brenes, Y Rojas Vargas,D A Zambrano Franco,N Rodriguez Valencia,U Lopez Posada,P A Orozco R,A J Zambrano Giraldo,Sylvana Naomi Matsumoto, Gyorgy Orosz,M Braeuner,Rodomiro Ortiz,C Macvean,A M Moreno Berrocal,E Alpizar Vargas,M Caballero,S A Romero Lopez,R E Evangelista Mendez,K L Mejia Figueroa,D J Alvarado Dimas,Jacques Imbernon,Sergio Llorente Gil, Monica Hernandez, R F Van Kanten, H Avila,J M Harmand,Etienne Dambrine,F Jimenez,J Beer,Richard Oliver,J Angrand,P Vaast,T Benjamin,M Gutierrez Castillo,Gary P Schroth, J C Lopez Ruiz,J Arcila Pulgarin,A Jaramillo Robledo,B Chaves Cordoba,A J Tesha,Dachepally Aravind Kumar,M S Sreenivasan,Muthu Ramachandran
N Bonilla Morales,T C Camacho Villa,S Alavez Lopez,K Osei Bonsu,F M Amoah,F K Oppong,B Madong, D A Johnson,P K R Nair,A A Adeyemi,S A Rodriguez Herrera,M H Reyes Valdes,J M Pat Fernandez,F M Tucuch Cauich,H S Cordova Orellana,D Hernandez,G Hernandez,J L Arellano Vazquez,E Garcia Ramirez,J Virgen Vargas,Zeledon Meza I Soto Munoz G,P Descamps, Encarnacion Mollejo Aparicio, J E Flores,Jaime Alberto Rendon Acevedo,C Zumbado, F M Sandoval,P Espinoza,Rojas A Soto Munoz G, M A Hernandez,E Aldana, David Torres Flores,De La Cruz Alonso Soto Munoz G,E Somarriba,R Valdivieso,W Vasquez,G Galloway,M J Cardoso,H W L De Carvalho,Cleso Antonio Patto Pacheco,L M P Rocha,Jose Nildo Tabosa,M A Lira,K E De Oliveira Melo,Luiz Fernando Carvalho Leite,Edson Alves Bastos,C Athayde Sobrinho,J Kottosame,A Moukam,R Njomgang,T Tikimanga,J Toney,C Diaw,J Gockowski,S Hausen,Marife D Corre,G Dechert,Edzo Veldkamp,Virchow D,M Andama,Shekhar Saxena,V Chandak,Subrata Ghosh, R C Sinha,N K Jain, G D,M D,Bonwon Koo,Philip G Pardey, Wright B D Virchow D,J A Serratos,M C Willcox, Felipe Sanchez Del Castillo,D L N Mello,Q R De Araujo,Agna Almeida Menezes,Cardoso M J,P E O Guimaraes, Sofia Ribeiro,V D De Oliveira,Luis Bellido,U L Diener,R L Asquith, J Dickens, Dean Mcgee,M Yamada,Karina Peres Gramacho,Fabio Gelape Faleiro,A D Neto,R F Dos Santos,Marcelo Cavalcante,R X Correa,W R Monteiro,F A Gaiotto,U V Lopes,M M C Assuncao,M A De Q Cavalcanti, Melvyn A J Menezes,Agna R S Rodrigues,S S Rodrigues,T Quiroz Marin,E Hincapie Gomez,D Granada Diaz,A M Moreno Berrocal,J Garcia Alzate,J W Mejia Mejia,Juan Jimenez,P Onoro,E Viquez,L Melendez,A J Hruska,S Gladstone,H R Lafitte,B T Kang, Gisela F Wilson, Tamara L Lawson
J N Irigoyen,M A Cruz Vela, Deheuvels O Penot E,O Deheuvels,N Marroquin Florido,R L Benech Arnold, Ruben A Sanchez,D W Doolan,C Leonardi,W O Baudoin, Jose M Casado Izquierdo, S Rabin,Ruijing Gan, J Bagg, M L Martinez Choto,M De J Diaz Guillen, M Gormaz, M Valdes, C D Katoch, M C Klaij, E Carmona Beer,E Trujillo Navarrete, M Canjura,Antonio Manuel Lopez Hernandez, C Pleitez, Juan C Quijano, O Ramos, M Rodriguez,Maria Teresa Sanchez Salazar, J Sandoval, E Zarco, C Sandnegger,S Lleras Diaz,A M Moreno Berrocal, A Romero, F Jimenez, M J,Lois Parkinson Zamora,B Meza Sandoval, H Tocagni, R A Chicas Soto, C F Campos G,O M Rodriguez A, Obando J J J Echeverri J,Omar Franco Mora,L G Ramirez Mora, O M Rodriguez Arguedas,M Araya Vargas,R I Alfaro, A Bonilla De Obaldia,M M De Carvalho,H A Menendez,V M Perez S, F Chacon A, R P,E Lopez De Leon
Brian L Markham,P Urbano Terron,R Moro Serrano,G G Paulus, Albrecht M Muller, L A Rocha Barcellos,J L Vanconcelos,D L Kass,E Somarriba,J Morera, Darci Delgado, Patricia Suarez Castillo,R Garcia De La Cruz,R Garcia Espinosa,M Del P Rodriguez Guzman,H Gonzalez Hernandez,D J Palma Lopez, M Barrantes Castillo,J Molina Palacio,A M Moreno Berrocal,J C Toro,C B Atlee,R Bazan,A M Pinchinat,G Paez,N Mateo,Ricardo Alberto Moreno,J Fargas,W E Forsythe,Andrepatrick Arrigo,R M Palma,Marta E Conti,E Giardina,W A Dick,R L Blevins,W W Frye,Shanan E Peters,F J Christenson,F J Pierce,M L Vitosh,T Alfoldi,W Lockeretz,U Niggli, Francia Esther Herrera,A Ospina Ante,A Benzing, L L Vazquez M,F Vallejos,I Kliewer,M A Florentin, J Casaccia,A Calegari,R Derpsch,Miguel A Penalva,L J Montoya Vilcahuaman,M L Musalem,E Serrano Galvez,L Krishnamurthy,A Velazquez Martinez, Martin A Nunez, E Topolanski,J L Panigatti,H Marelli,D E Buschiazzo, Eds,F Aleman,L A R Barcellos,H Ruthenberg,A F Gustafson,M J Arturi,H H Bennett,I Arnon,F Bonciarelli,G Wrigley,L Espinoza,E Garcia Lopez,A De Jager, J Chavez Cossio,Katsuyuki Minami,J Tessarioli Netto,Jose M Ruiz Sanchez De Leon,Edith A Perez, S Torres Rios,Carreto Serrano B Astier M,H Navarro Garza,Perez O M A Astier M,J D Etchevers B,S S Roman C, F M, N M,Scopel E Astier M,M Astier,M A Ayarza,L Vilela,E A Pizarro,Costa P H Da Thomas R,Martinez L Guimaraes E P,J I Sanz,I M Rao,M C Amezquita,E Amezquita,Joao Kluthcouski,I P De Oliveira,L P Yokoyama,L G Dutra,T De A Portes,A E De Silva,B Da S Pinheiro,Elizabeth Igne Ferreira,E Da M De Castro,Cleber M Guimaraes,J De C Gomide,Balbino L C Guimaraes E P
P M, C H Lee,Osei Bonsu K Amoah F M Oppong F K,J M Bulder,B Madong,Vera D I Suarez C,Martin P Lamanda N Malezieux E Kumar B M,Bhat K S Bavappa A,J B Owen Jones,A A Adeyemi,Johnson V D Nair P K R, Alvim R Nair P K R, Ilany T Ashton M S Montagnini F Martinez C,Gende P Kakul T Laup,S S Embupa,Khoo K T Chew P S,Smiley G L Kroschel J, Schulz B Becker B Gotsch E, M D,L B Agcaoili, Bastine L Khader A Jamory L R, Yamada M Gholz H L,Duguma B Gockowski J Bakala J, Quiroz Marin T Hincapie Gomez E,Muhammad I Botero J Camero A,L Melendez,Kass D L Jimenez J Schlonvoigt A, Jimenez J M Onoro P Viquez E, D L Kass,O L Idowu, Kang B T Wilson G F Lawson T L,A M Moreno Berrocal,F Farfan Valencia
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 15

#Citation: 345

H-Index: 15

G-Index: 15

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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