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Papers共 53 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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C Villanueva, Daniel Steven Sanchez,Mohamed Izham Mohamed Ibrahim,G Rusch,David N Barton,A M Castagnino,K E Diaz,P Sastre Vazquez,M Belen Rosini,S Sasale,M Sauceda Olivera,P R Argenal Vega,Y L Salazar Gutierrez,R C Zelaya Castro, J L Grogan,Paulo S L M Barreto,A Verissimo, E Perez Rodriguez, Michel P Laforge, A Bennaton Ramos, A Vasquez Morera, A Salas Avila, Jacqueline Garcia Fallas, F Murillo Rojas, A J De Dixmude,Ian D Downey, Pablo E Navarro, Ralph E H Sims, N Marin Mora,F Lega Rounda,J B Zapata, C Archila,Rafael Fonseca Zanotti,M V Araya Barrantes,Michael E Alfaro, Giseli Chaves, Sharon A Lobo,L Corrales,J M Bonilla Villalobos, J Araya Ramirez,G Galloway, R Miranda Ch, F Tattenbach Cappra,C Loria Picado,Guillermo A Calvo,Jose Manuel Pena Rodriguez, Eugenia Padilla, M Kowal, G Orozco,M R Chavarria Sacasa,E Somarriba, R Araquistain,L Pineda, David A Mejia,Frank Berninger,M Kanninen,D Zeaser,A Chaverri,N Zamora Villalobos,V Aguilar, A I Barquero E, H Johnson M,R Morataya Montenegro,E Viquez Lopez, C Navarro,A C M Gillies, Jonathan M Wilson, Manuel E Hernandez, V Flores,A Pinney, W Murillo Masis,O Chinchilla Mora,E Chaves Salas, G A Ruano Ch,L F Jara N,R A Zuniga, M S Buch T, D Rodriguez Alvarez
T J P Fraxe,A C Witkoski,S C P Da Silva,T De J P Freixe,C M Medeiros,T De J P Fraxe,T Cayo Falcon,P Spittler, Joaquin Gomez Villegas,E Riano Umbarila,B Pokorny,C Sabogal, Frederick A Kramer,M Lentini,J N M Silva,Johan C Zweede,A Verissimo,M Boscolo,Eldredge Bermingham,Carl W Dick, Charlotte Moritz,A A De Oliveira,R Sylvester Bradley, Emilio F Moran,Vânia Goncalves,P Amaral,A Da S Dias, M Amaral Neto,Claudio Benedito Gomide De Souza,N J H Smith,Peter C Frumhoff,E C Losos, C Pesce, C Larotta Cuellar,P Shanley,M Cymerys,Joao Carlos Cardoso Galvao, Alfonso Fausto Carrillo, M A Perera, Eds,Vasquez Palma,Carlos Ponce, I P De A Mirand, M R De A Junqueira,J H Iriarte Martel, Joao Gomes,D C Kass,Warwick Estevam Kerr,C Clement,D F Da Silva Filho, L Gasparotto, S M Veras,Milz J Llanque O, Albin Zonta,J Milz, D N Griep, M M Amin,Jacinto C Nascimento, A Moreira Filho,A M G De Castro,F J Pound,Jens M Olesen, P Sanchez,Kenneth M Jaffe, Matthias C Muller, M L R Duarte, Felipe C Albuquerque,Anne Sitarama Prabhu, Adriana Leao
Mato Grosso, Carlos M. de Souza,Adalberto Veríssimo
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 53

#Citation: 2676

H-Index: 23

G-Index: 49

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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