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Papers共 2 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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F J Ugalde Acosta,O H Tosqui Valle,E Lopez Salinas,N Francisco Nicolas,D A Navarrete Gutierrez,C Sandoval Garcia,F Hernandez Martinez,J L Chagoya Fuentes,L Ascencio Rojas,A Yanez Arancibia,A L Lara Dominguez,A Sol Sanchez,A Niembro Rocas, J G Garcia Franco, V Rico Gray,Andrew P Vovides,R Zulueta Rodriguez,V Torres,R Hernandez Lopez, F B Navarro,M R Keyes Hennin, L Gama Campillo,C J Chiappy Jhones,L V Giddings,M Gomez Columna,M E Medina Abreo,L E Mollinedo Garcia,N Lorenzo Sagrego,E Acevedo Jaramillo,J T Vazquez G,C Sosa Moss,A Gomez Pompa,S Del Amo R, Eds,S Medina Balderas,L D Ortega Arenas,H Gonzalez Hernandez,J A Villanueva Jimenez,L Vidal Hernandez,M A Gomez Cruz,Rita Schwentesius Rindermann,A Barrera Gonzalez,C Olguin Palacios,M Del C Alvarez Avila,A Asiain Hoyos, P T Alamilla Hernandez,G Mora Aguilera, J M Chavez Bravo, B Miranda Abaunzar,L Jimenez Sanchez, E Valdivia Carreon, G Rendon Sanchez,J Uresti Gil,S Uribe Gomez,Camacho Castro R Sims B G, Valentin A Esqueda,Alfredo Duran, Eduardo Luis Lopez, V A Esquivel,Oscar David Cano, M A,J Uresti,Lopez E Araya Villalobos R, D Beck, Javier Cumpian, Acosta Gallegos J A Araya Villalobos R, J F Hennen, E Lopez S, J R Rodriguez R, E N Becerra L, O Cano R,Cervantes C A Bertsch F,W Badilla,E Bornemisza, O Tosquy, Maria Teresa Sierra, Raul Cueva Del Castillo, Jaime Ortiz, C Tinoco,Aleida J Sandoval,Sandra Uribe,S Campos, Maria Paez De La Cadena, S Jacome, N Becerra,Dora Zaleta,J R Acosta, B Rodriguez Padron, T Granados Pinon,G Luna Rosas, J F Torres Garcia, M R Vela Diaz
Author Statistics

#Papers: 2

#Citation: 46

H-Index: 2

G-Index: 2

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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