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Papers共 2 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Guillermo Aguilar,A Iza,O Springate Baginski,David L Allen,W R T Darwall,I Gutierrez,J Siles,William J Mitsch,J Tejada, A Nahlik,B Kohlmann,B Bernal, Hernandez C E Kohlmann B, Mitsch W J Kohlmann B,A Madrigal,A Lopez Ornat, E Correas,J F Hernandez E, Matthew C Dix,P Cordero Perez,R Cordoba Munoz,F Solano Castro,L O Safford,E L Maltby,M Villon Bejar,Margarita Cabrera, J A Jimenez, E Gonzalez,J C Calvo, G Aguilar Rojas,N Windevoxhel L, Timothy N Davidson,M Niasse,Abel Afouda, Amir Amani,M Aguilera M,A Azocar I, E Gonzalez Jimenez, N Diego Perez, Rosa Maria Fonseca, L Perez, F Lorea Hernandez,F A Trama, M Solis R, E Gonzalez J,Joao Vitor Meza Bravo, L Piedra,L G Brenes, Fernando Solano, D Salas, E Tabilo, M Astralaga,R M Menacho, Jose Alfredo Villagomez Cortes,F Abarca, D C Kotze,Timothy Me Davis,M Alvarez Espinoza,R Rodriguez Altamiranda, M Lentino R, A Bruni,R Wiseman,Elizabeth Hopkins, Eds,Juan Carlos Godoy, P Canevari, Iain F W K Davidson,D Blanco,G Castro, E H Bucher, J Davidson, R S Lloyd, J R,B Groombridge, M D Jenkins, John G Lyon, James S Mccarthy
Author Statistics

#Papers: 2

#Citation: 46

H-Index: 2

G-Index: 2

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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