views: 390

Dr. Elkins has authored or co-authored over 90 publications in the fields of global warming and the depletion of stratospheric ozone. His research has covered measurements of atmospheric trace species from the depths of the Pacific Ocean to the heights of the stratosphere. He is the principal instrumental designer for the Airborne Chromatograph for Atmospheric Trace Species (ACATS) that has flown on NASA's ER-2 aircraft. He was the lead author on a paper in Nature that reported the first observational evidence of slowing down in the growth of the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as a result of the United Nations Montreal Protocol. This paper has won the 1994 NOAA Scientific Paper of the Year Award. Since Dr. Elkins and his colleagues have won ten NOAA Scientific Paper of the Year Awards. He has received numerous other awards including six NASA's Group Achievement Awards to the 1993-94 Stratospheric Photochemistry, Aerosols and Dynamics Experiment (SPADE), 1994 Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Experiment (ASHOE), the Polar Ozone Loss in Arctic Region In Summer (POLARIS), the SAGE-III Ozone Loss Validation Experiment (SOLVE) Teams, Balloon Observations of the Stratosphere Team (BOS) for the successful September 2003 campaign, and Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling (TC4) Mission in Costa Rica and Panama in 2007. The Department of Commerce awarded him in 1997 the Silver Medal Award (along with Dr. J.H. Butler, and S. A. Montzka).
Research Interests
Papers共 292 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Robert Dunn, Freya Aldred,Nadine Gobron, J. B. Miller,Kate M. Willett,Melanie Ades, Robert E. Adler,Richard P. Allan, J. Anderson,Orlane Anneville,Yasuyuki Aono,Anthony Argüez,Carlo Arosio,John Augustine,César Azorín-Molina,Jonathan Barichivich,Aman Basu,Hylke E. Beck,Nicolas Bellouin,Angela Benedetti,Kevin Blagrave,Stephen Blenkinsop, Olivier Bock,Xavier Bodin,Michael G. Bosilovich,Oliviér Boucher,Gerald Bové,Dennis E. Buechler,Stefan Buehler,Laura Carrea,Kai‐Lan Chang,Hanne H. Christiansen,John R. Christy,Eui‐Seok Chung, Laura M. Ciasto,Melanie Coldewey‐Egbers,O. R. Cooper,Richard Cornes, Curt Covey, Thomas Cropper,Molly Crotwell, Diego Cusicanqui,Sean Davis,R. A. M. de Jeu,Doug Degenstein,Reynald Delaloye,Markus G. Donat,Wouter Dorigo,Imke Durre,G. S. Dutton,Grégory Duveiller,J. W. Elkins, T. W. Estilow, Nava Fedaeff,David Fereday,Vitali Fioletov,Johannes Flemming,Michael J. Foster,S. M. Frith,L. Froidevaux,Martin Füllekrug,Judith Garforth,Jay Garg, Matthew Gentry, Steven M. Goodman, Qiqi Gou,Nikolay Granin,Mauro Guglielmin,Sebastian Hahn,Leopold Haimberger,B. D. Hall,Ian Harris, Debbie Hemming,Martin Hirschi, Shu-pen Ho, R. H. Holzworth,Filip Hrbáček,Daan Hubert,Petra Hulsman,D. F. Hurst,Antje Inness,Ketil Isaksen,Viju O. John,Philip Jones,Robert Junod,Andreas Kääb,Johannes Kaiser,Viktor Kaufmann, Andreas Kellerer‐Pirklbauer,Elizabeth C. Kent,Richard Kidd, Hyungiun Kim,Zak Kipling,Akash Koppa,Jan Henning L’Abée-Lund, Lan X,Bianca Adler,David A. Lavers,Norman G. Loeb,Diego Loyola,Rémi Madelon,Hilmar J. Malmquist,Włodzimierz Marszelewski,Michael Mayer,Matthew F. McCabe,Tim R. McVicar,C. A. Mears,Annette Menzel,Christopher J. Merchant,Diego G. Miralles,S. A. Montzka,Colin Morice,Leander Moesinger,Jens Mühle,Julien P. Nicolas,Jeannette Noetzli,Tiina Nõges, Ben Noll, John O’Keefe,Tim Osborn,Taejin Park,Cécile Pellet, Maury S. Pelto,Sarah E. Perkins‐Kirkpatrick, Coda Phillips, Stephen Po‐Chedley,Lorenzo M. Polvani,Wolfgang Preimesberger,Colin Price,Merja Pulkkanen,Dominik Rains,William J. Randel,Samuel Rémy,Lucrezia Ricciardulli,Andrew D. Richardson,David A. Robinson,M. Rodell,Nemesio Rodriguez‐fernandez,K. H. Rosenlof,Chris Roth,Alexei Rozanov,This Rutishäuser,Ahira Sánchez-Lugo,P. Sawaengphokhai, Verena Schenzinger, Robert W. Schlegel,Udo Schneider,Sapna Sharma,Lei Shi,A. J. Simmons,Carolina Siso,Sharon L. Smith,Brian J. Soden,Viktoria Sofieva, Tim H. Sparks,Paul W. Stackhouse,Ryan M. Stauffer,Wolfgang Steinbrecht,Andrea Steiner,Kenton M. Stewart,Pietro Stradiotti,Dimitri A. Streletskiy,Hagen Telg,Stephen J. Thackeray,Emmanuel Thibert, Michael A. Todt,Daisuke Tokuda,Kleareti Tourpali,Mari R. Tye,Ronald van der A,Robin van der Schalie,Gerard van der Schrier,Mendy van der Vliet,Guido R. van der Werf,Arnold van Vliet,Jean‐Paul Vernier,Isaac Vimont, Katrina S. Virts, Sebastián Vivero, H. Vömel,Russell S. Vose,Ray Wang, Markus Weber,D. N. Wiese,J. D. Wild,Earle Williams,Takmeng Wong,R. Iestyn Woolway,Xungang Yin,Ye Yuan,Lin Zhao,Xinjia Zhou,J. R. Ziemke,Markus Ziese,Ruxandra-Maria Zotta
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Societyno. 8 (2022): S11-S142
S.C. Wofsy, Shahrara Afshar,Hannah M. Allen,E. C. Apel,Elizabeth Asher,B. Barletta,J. D. Bent,Huisheng Bian,Brenna Biggs,D. R. Blake,N. J. Blake,Ilann Bourgeois,C. A. Brock,W. H. Brune,J. Budney,T. P. Bui,Amy H. Butler,Pedro Campuzano‐Jost,Cecilia S. Chang,Mian Chin,R. Commane,Gustavo Correa,J. D. Crounse,Patrick Cullis,Bruce C. Daube,D. A. Day,Jonathan M. Dean‐Day,Jack E. Dibb,Joshua P. DiGangi,Glenn S. Diskin,Maximilian Dollner,J. W. Elkins,Frank Erdesz,Arlene M. Fiore,Clare M. Flynn,K. D. Froyd, D.W. Gesler,S. R. Hall,T. F. Hanisco,Reem A. Hannun,Alan J. Hills,E. J. Hintsa, Alicia Hoffman,Rebecca S. Hornbrook,L. G. Huey,S. Hughes,J. L. Jiménez,B. J. Johnson,Joseph M. Katich,Ralph F. Keeling,M.J. Kim,Agnieszka Kupc,Leslie R. Lait,Kathryn McKain, Rob McLaughlin,Simone Meinardi,D.O. Miller,S. A. Montzka,F. L. Moore,Eric J. Morgan,Daniel M. Murphy,Lee T. Murray,Benjamin A. Nault,J. A. Neuman,Paul A. Newman,Julie M. Nicely,Xiaohua Pan,W. Paplawsky,Jeff Peischl,Michael J. Prather,Derek J. Price,Eric Ray,J. M. Reeves,M. Richardson,Andrew W. Rollins,K. H. Rosenlof,T. B. Ryerson,E. Scheuer,Gregory P. Schill,Jason C. Schroder,J. P. Schwarz,Jason M. St. Clair,Stephen D. Steenrod,B. B. Stephens,Sarah A. Strode,Colm Sweeney,D. Tanner,Alex P. Teng,Alexander B. Thames,C. Ray Thompson,Kirk Ullmann,P. R. Veres,N. L. Wagner,Andrew S. Watt,Rodney J. Weber,Bernadett Weinzierl,P. O. Wennberg,C. Williamson,J. C. Wilson,G. M. Wolfe,C. Woods,Linghan Zeng,N. Vizenor
ORNL DAAC (2021)
W. H. Brune,D. O. Miller,A. B. Thames,H. M. Allen,E. C. Apel,D. R. Blake,T. P. Bui,R. Commane,J. D. Crounse,B. C. Daube,G. S. Diskin,J. P. DiGangi,J. W. Elkins,S. R. Hall,T. F. Hanisco,R. A. Hannun,E. J. Hintsa,R. S. Hornbrook,M. J. Kim,K. McKain,F. L. Moore,J. A. Neuman,J. M. Nicely,J. Peischl,T. B. Ryerson,J. M. St Clair,C. Sweeney,A. P. Teng,C. Thompson,K. Ullmann,P. R. Veres,P. O. Wennberg,G. M. Wolfe
J. W. Elkins, F. L. Moore,E. J. Hintsa, S. A. Montzka,Colm Sweeney, Kathryn McKain,B. R. Miller, G. S. Dutton,J. D. Nance,B. D. Hall, E. J. Dlugokencky
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2019)
99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (2019)
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2019)
C. Flynn,Michael J. Prather, E. C. Apel, D. R. Blake,N. J. Blake, R. Commane,Gustavo Correa,J. D. Crounse, Bruce C. Daube, Joshua P. DiGangi, Glenn S. Diskin,J. W. Elkins,Arlene M. Fiore, T. F. Hanisco,E. J. Hintsa,Rebecca S. Hornbrook,Larry W. Horowitz, M. J. Kim, Jean‐François Lamarque, Kathryn McKain, F. L. Moore,Lee T. Murray, Jeff Peischl, T. B. Ryerson,Stephen D. Steenrod, Sarah A. Strode, C. R. Thompson, G. M. Wolfe, S. C. Wofsy
AGUFM (2018)
Alexander B. Thames,William H. Brune,David O. Miller,Hannah M. Allen,Eric C. Apel,Donald R. Blake,T. Paul Bui,Roisin Commane,John D. Crounse,Bruce C. Daube,Glenn S. Diskin,Joshua P. DiGangi,JamesW. Elkins,Samuel R. Hall,Thomas F. Hanisco,Reem A. Hannun,Eric Hintsa,Rebecca S. Hornbrook,Michelle J. Kim,Kathryn McKain,Fred L. Moore,Julie M. Nicely,Jeffrey Peischl,Thomas B. Ryerson,Jason M. St Clair,Colm Sweeney,Alex Teng,Chelsea R. Thompson,Kirk Ullmann,Paul O. Wennberg,Glenn M. Wolfe
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 293
#Citation: 16535
H-Index: 70
G-Index: 119
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 2
Activity: 0
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