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Papers共 6 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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J L Soares,I Jimenez Perez,P D Moehlman,Douglas J Levey,W R Silva,Mauro Galetti,J Saenz,E Carrillo,R J Elzinga,P Rosset,R Dahlquist,E Varon,L Hilje,Sanford D Eigenbrode, C Vargas S,Hector C Aguilar,Gary W Evans, Ricardo Ochoa,T D Schowalter,Marcos Gino Fernandes, A M Silva,Paulo Eduardo Degrande,Antonio Carlos Cubas,David L Roberts, V M Sandino D, G Nates Parra, V H Mendez Estrada,J Monge Najera, Robert L Smith,Tanya M Smith, Edgar Martinez Fernandez,C Zuniga,Pamela Hidalgo, V Buitrago, Hector Guillermo Alfaro Lopez, X Hernandez, Nieto Jose Manuel Lopez,R Paez, C Lopez,David G Munoz,Arturo Ruiz Estrada,Eduardo J Naranjo, S Ochoa,P Reyes Castillo,A Gomez Pompa,S Del Almo R,B G V De Salazar,F W Stehr,Robert L Kormos,Christophe Boesch,M I Bakarr,Thomas M Butynski, Z Pucek,C S Elton,R D Briceno,Bette A Loiselle, M Silva Aparicio, A E Castro Ramirez, J L Leon Cortes, M Ishiki Ishihara, Heike Prohl,H Dancona,R M Johansen Naime,A Mojica Guzman, A S Pearse,Rainer Thiele, G Henriquez M, L Serrano C, Maria V Ramos, Hilda Rodriguez, Miguel Angel Moron,P Trujillo G, Alan Saunders, G Remaudiere,A Autrique,V F Eastop,Petr Stary, G Aymonin, J Kafurera, R Dedonder, Eds,G Yepez Tamayo,Ilse Storch,A M Hutson, S P Mickleburgh,P A Racey,Allison C Alberts, T O Thatcher, B S Ramdial, Jeffrey A Bailey
Author Statistics

#Papers: 6

#Citation: 173

H-Index: 6

G-Index: 6

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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