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Papers共 75 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Petra Klepac, Jennifer L Hsieh,Camilla L Ducker, Mohamad Assoum,Mark Booth,Isabel Byrne,Sarity Dodson,Diana L Martin, C Michael R Turner,Kim R van Daalen,Bernadette Abela, Jennifer Akamboe,Fabiana Alves,Simon J Brooker, Karen Ciceri-Reynolds,Jeremy Cole, Aidan Desjardins,Chris Drakeley,Dileepa S Ediriweera,Neil M Ferguson,Albis Francesco Gabrielli, Joshua Gahir, Saurabh Jain, Mbaraka R John,Elizabeth Juma, Priya Kanayson,Kebede Deribe,Jonathan D King, Andrea M Kipingu,Samson Kiware,Jan Kolaczinski, Winnie J Kulei, Tajiri L Laizer, Vivek Lal,Rachel Lowe, Janice S Maige, Sam Mayer,Lachlan McIver,Jonathan F Mosser,Ruben Santiago Nicholls,Cláudio Nunes-Alves, Junaid Panjwani,Nishanth Parameswaran,Karen Polson, Hale-Seda Radoykova, Aditya Ramani,Lisa J Reimer, Zachary M Reynolds,Isabela Ribeiro, Alastair Robb, Kazim Hizbullah Sanikullah,David R M Smith, GloriaSalome G Shirima,Joseph P Shott,Rachel Tidman, Louisa Tribe, Jaspreet Turner,Susana Vaz Nery,Raman Velayudhan,Supriya Warusavithana, Holly S Wheeler,Aya Yajima, Ahmed Robleh Abdilleh,Benjamin Hounkpatin,Dechen Wangmo, Christopher J M Whitty,Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum,T Déirdre Hollingsworth,Anthony W Solomon,Ibrahima Socé Fall
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 75

#Citation: 8255

H-Index: 32

G-Index: 67

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 3

Activity: 15

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