Folate Receptor Imaging with 125I Labeled Folic Acid with a Whole Body Small Animal Imaging Device Built with Plastic Scintillating Optical Fibers

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms(1995)

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A small animal whole body imaging cylindrical device was built with plastic scintillating fibers and position sensitive photomultipliers (Hamamatsu) and digitized using flash ADCs. A co-axial brass mesh collimator (septum thickness 1 mm) was used in combination with an electronic collimation scheme to enhance spatial resolution. Imaging studies with 125I labeled folic acid were performed in mice bearing folate receptor +ve (IGROV) tumor and receptor −ve (Meth-A) tumor. In-situ imaging of animals sacrificed at 15–30 min post injection of the tracer showed the localization of the tumor in animals with the folate receptor +ve tumors. Our initial studies demonstrate the utility of a device built with plastic scintillating fibers in small animal imaging studies with low energy photons (25–35 keV).
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