FIFO Cache Analysis for WCET Estimation: a Quantitative Approach

Design, Automation &amp Test in Europe Conference &amp Exhibition (DATE), 2013(2013)

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Although most previous work in cache analysis for WCET estimation assumes the LRU replacement policy, in practise more processors use simpler non-LRU policies for lower cost, power consumption and thermal output. This paper focuses on the analysis of FIFO, one of the most widely used cache replacement policies. Previous analysis techniques for FIFO caches are based on the same framework as for LRU caches using qualitative always-hit/always-miss classifications. This approach, though works well for LRU caches, is not suitable to analyze FIFO and usually leads to poor WCET estimation quality. In this paper, we propose a quantitative approach for FIFO cache analysis. Roughly speaking, the proposed quantitative analysis derives an upper bound on the "miss ratio" of an instruction (set), which can better capture the FIFO cache behavior and support more accurate WCET estimations. Experiments with benchmarks show that our proposed quantitative FIFO analysis can drastically improve the WCET estimation accuracy over pervious techniques (the average overestimation ratio is reduced from around 70% to 10% under typical setting).
FIFO cache,FIFO cache analysis,FIFO cache behavior,cache analysis,previous analysis technique,proposed quantitative FIFO analysis,proposed quantitative analysis,LRU cache,WCET estimation,WCET estimation accuracy,quantitative approach
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