Two Dimensional Wavelet Energy Analysis on a Beat to Beat Basis: Application to Atrial Fibrillation

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(2013)

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Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a condition in which heart rhythm is not associated with normal sinoatrial (SA) node pacemaker but it derives from different areas on the atrium, often from the area of Pulmonary veins (PVs) A way to eliminate the influence of PVs in the inducement of AF is the PVs isolation surgery. In this study, an effort is made towards investigating the morphology and dynamics of P-waves, when the potentially arrhythmogenic tissue in PVs is involved or isolated via ablation. For this reason, 20 patients who were subjected to PVs isolation were studied, via vectrorcardiography recordings obtained before and after the ablation. Wavelet energies for five frequency bands were analyzed, using a two dimensional representation. The proposed technique was applied for the analysis of wavelet energies in consecutive beats, and their correlation with the RR interval. Features for the evaluation of those plots were extracted, such as the axes of a fitted to the plot ellipse and the center of the mass. The statistical analysis demonstrated significant differences between the groups, which imply the modification of the atrial substrate concerning electrical conduction toward to a more stable condition.
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Key words
electrocardiography,medical disorders,wavelet transforms,2D wavelet energy analysis,P-wave dynamics,P-wave morphology,RR interval,atrial fibrillation,beat-to-beat basis,electrical conduction,heart rhythm,normal sinoatrial node pacemaker,pulmonary veins,vectrorcardiography recordings
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