195 Use of CGMS (continuous Glucose Monitoring System) in CF Children with Impaired or Indeterminant Glucose Tolerance
Journal of cystic fibrosis(2014)
Objectives: Investigation of the diagnostic process and treatment of Distal Intestinal Obstructive Syndrome (DIOS) in Norwegian Cystic Fibrosis patients in comparison with ECFS guidelines.Methods: Retrospective review of electronic patient files from 50 CF patients.19 of these patients experienced at least one suspected episode of DIOS within the previous 5 years.The 19 patient records were systematically reviewed for information about symptoms of DIOS, clinical work-up and treatment.Results: The included patients had an equal gender distribution and were born in 1977-2007.18 patients had a serious genetic mutation.17 had pancreatic insufficiency.18 patients reported two or more symptoms of DIOS.7 patients were examined with an abdominal x-ray.3 patients got a diatrizoinic acid lavage as a part of the diagnostic and treatment regimen.8 patients were hospitalized and received 7 different treatment regimens.18 patients got N-acetylcystein as prophylactic treatment after an episode of DIOS.None of the patients was treated with laxatives containing polyethylene glycol.Conclusion: Significant divergence from ECFS guidelines (2011) was identified on the hospitals performance on diagnostic work up and treatment for DIOS.Our opinion was that the attending physicians and the patients would benefit from specific guidelines in how they approach CF patients with possible DIOS.
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