Project Management Methodologies As Main Tool for Current Challenges in Global Economy Driving Historical Changes

Deleted Journal(2016)

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The project management methodologies have been improved over years. There have been utilized to model specific industrial situations, helping to change the course of world history. Today, more than ever, these methodologies are indispensable, not only in industry but in any organization. Never before the market have been so competitive, forcing organizations to adopt techniques in order to innovate their products and services. With these market demands, companies and universities are required to cooperate ever more. The connection between these two sectors of society is the main driver for innovative business success. However the success of this relationship is only possible, if there is a management methodology appropriate to the complexity of the projects which are developed in consortiums, multisectorial and are culturally so different. The methodology we are developing is now being tested in CROP (international and multicultural Project). This paper presents some of the improvements noted with the use of
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