Challenges Faced by Female Out-of-School Adolescents in Accessing and Utilizing Sexual and Reproductive Health Service: A Qualitative Exploratory Study in Southwest, Ethiopia.

Journal of primary care & community health(2021)

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INTRODUCTION:Due to the limited access to sexual and reproductive health service, out-of-school-adolescents become at a higher risk for early marriage, early pregnancy early parenthood, and poor health outcomes over their life course. Hence, the aim of this study was to explore the challenges faced by female out-of-school adolescents in accessing sexual and reproductive health service in Bench-Sheko zone.METHODS:A community-based qualitative exploratory study was carried out from November 01/2020 to December 01/2020 among selected out-of-school adolescents residing in rural and urban districts of Bench-Sheko Zone, and healthcare professionals working in the local health centers. FGD participants and healthcare providers were purposely selected for this study. Eight focus group discussions and 8 in-depth interviews were conducted among female out-of-school adolescents, and health care professionals, respectively.RESULT:The study revealed that out-of-school adolescents encounter several challenges in accessing sexual reproductive health service which includes socio-cultural barriers, health system barriers, perceived legal barrier, inadequate information regarding sexual reproductive health service, and low parent-adolescent communication.CONCLUSION:The finding suggests the need to engage community influencers (religious leaders, community leaders, and elders) in overcoming the socio-cultural barriers. Program planners and policy makers have better make an effort to create adolescent friendly environments in SRH service areas. Furthermore, implementing community-based awareness raising programs, parental involvement in sexual reproductive health programs, and encouraging parent-adolescent communication on sexual reproductive health issues could improve sexual reproductive health service utilization by out-of-school adolescents in the study area.
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