Measurement of Jet Production Cross Sections in Deep-Inelastic Ep Scattering at HERA (vol 77, 215, 2017)

V. Andreev,A. Baghdasaryan,K. Begzsuren, A. Belousov,A. Bolz,V. Boudry,G. Brandt,V. Brisson,D. Britzger,A. Buniatyan,A. Bylinkin,L. Bystritskaya,A. J. Campbell,K. B. Cantun Avila,K. Cerny,V. Chekelian,J. G. Contreras,J. Cvach,J. B. Dainton,K. Daum,C. Diaconu,M. Dobre,V. Dodonov, G. Eckerlin,S. Egli,E. Elsen,L. Favart,A. Fedotov,J. Feltesse, J. Ferencei,M. Fleischer,A. Fomenko,E. Gabathuler,J. Gayler,S. Ghazaryan,L. Goerlich,N. Gogitidze,M. Gouzevitch,C. Grab, A. Grebenyuk,T. Greenshaw,G. Grindhammer,D. Haidt, R. C. W. Henderson,J. Hladky,D. Hoffmann,R. Horisberger,T. Hreus,F. Huber,M. Jacquet,X. Janssen,H. Jung,M. Kapichine, J. Katzy,C. Kiesling,M. Klein, C. Kleinwort,R. Kogler,P. Kostka,J. Kretzschmar,D. Kruecker, K. Krueger,M. P. J. Landon,W. Lange,P. Laycock,A. Lebedev,S. Levonian,K. Lipka,B. List,J. List, B. Lobodzinski,E. Malinovski,H. -U. Martyn,S. J. Maxfield,A. Mehta,A. B. Meyer,H. Meyer,J. Meyer,S. Mikocki,A. Morozov, K. Mueller,Th. Naumann,P. R. Newman,C. Niebuhr,G. Nowak,J. E. Olsson,D. Ozerov,C. Pascaud,G. D. Patel,E. Perez,A. Petrukhin,I. Picuric, H. Pirumov, D. Pitzl,R. Placakyte,R. Polifka,V. Radescu,N. Raicevic,T. Ravdandorj,P. Reimer,E. Rizvi,P. Robmann,R. Roosen,A. Rostovtsev,M. Rotaru,D. Salek,D. P. C. Sankey,M. Sauter,E. Sauvan,S. Schmitt,L. Schoeffel,A. Schoening,F. Sefkow,S. Shushkevich,Y. Soloviev,P. Sopicki,D. South,V. Spaskov,A. Specka, M. Steder,B. Stella,U. Straumann,T. Sykora,P. D. Thompson,D. Traynor,P. Truol,I. Tsakov,B. Tseepeldorj,A. Valkarova,C. Vallee,P. Van Mechelen,Y. Vazdik,D. Wegener,E. Wuensch,J. Zacek,Z. Zhang,R. Zlebcik,H. Zohrabyan,F. Zomer


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The measurement of the jet cross sections by the H1 collaboration had been compared to various predictions including the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD calculations which are corrected in this erratum for an implementation error in one of the components of the NNLO calculations. The jet data and the other predictions remain unchanged. Eight figures, one table and conclusions are adapted accordingly, exhibiting even better agreement between the corrected NNLO predictions and the jet data.
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