Intervalley Excitonic Hybridization, Optical Selection Rules, and Imperfect Circular Dichroism in Monolayer H-Bn.

Physical review letters(2022)

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We perform first-principles GW plus Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations to investigate the photophysics of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), revealing excitons with novel k-space characteristics. The excitonic states forming the first and third peaks in its absorption spectrum are s-like, but those of the second peak are notably p-like, a first finding of strong co-occurrence of bright s-like and bright p-like states in an intrinsic 2D material. Moreover, even though the k-space wave function of these excitonic states are centered at the K and K^{'} valleys as in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, the k-space envelope functions of the basis excitons at one valley have significant extents to the basin of the other valley. As a consequence, the optical response of monolayer h-BN exhibits a lack of circular dichroism, as well as a coupling that induces an intervalley mixing between s- and p-like states.
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