An Examination of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Based on Classroom Distancing in Schools with Other Preventive Measures in Place—Missouri, January–March 2021

Catherine Donovan,Mary Claire Worrell,Jonathan Steinberg, Brock K. Montgomery, Randall Young, Gabriele Richardson,Patrick Dawson, Thu Ha Dinh, Natalie Botkin, Tammy Fitzpatrick, Amanda Fields, Catherine M. Rains,Stephanie Fritz,Sara Malone,Suxiang Tong,Jon Mooney,Jason G. Newland,Lisa C. Barrios,John C. Neatherlin,Johanna S. Salzer

Public health reports(2022)

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Objectives: Classroom layout plays a central role in maintaining physical distancing as part of a multicomponent prevention strategy for safe in-person learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted a school investigation to assess layouts and physical distancing in classroom settings with and without in-school SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Methods: We assessed, measured, and mapped 90 K-12 (kindergarten through grade 12) classrooms in 3 Missouri public school districts during January-March 2021, prior to widespread prevalence of the Delta variant; distances between students, teachers, and people with COVID-19 and their contacts were analyzed. We used whole-genome sequencing to further evaluate potential transmission events. Results: The investigation evaluated the classrooms of 34 students and staff members who were potentially infectious with COVID-19 in a classroom. Of 42 close contacts (15 tested) who sat within 3 ft of possibly infectious people, 1 (2%) probable transmission event occurred (from a symptomatic student with a longer exposure period [5 days]); of 122 contacts (23 tested) who sat more than 3 ft away from possibly infectious people with shorter exposure periods, no transmission events occurred. Conclusions: Reduced student physical distancing is one component of mitigation strategies that can allow for increased classroom capacity and support in-person learning. In the pre-Delta variant period, limited physical distancing (<6 ft) among students in K-12 schools was not associated with increased SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
COVID-19,SARS-CoV-2,school health,students,physical distancing,ventilation
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