Prognostic, Diagnostic and Predictive Biomarkers in the Barrett's Oesophagus-Adenocarcinoma Disease Sequence


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Simple Summary Oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC) is a type of cancer of the oesophagus (food pipe) which is associated with poor patient outcomes. Barrett's oesophagus (BO) is a precancerous condition of the oesophagus associated with chronic heartburn. Currently, surveillance programs exist which monitor patients with BO to prevent it from developing into OAC. However, these surveillance programs are expensive and unpleasant for patients. Prognostic biomarkers are signs which could be measured to determine the chance of someone with BO developing OAC, allowing more targeted surveillance. Similarly, diagnostic biomarkers are indicators which could be measured to see if someone has OAC. Developing new diagnostic biomarkers could allow wider population testing. Only a small proportion of patients with OAC respond to treatment before surgery. Predictive biomarkers could be measured to predict whether someone would respond to the treatments, allowing more individualized therapy. This review focuses on potential biomarkers which could improve patient outcomes in BO/OAC. Oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC) incidence has increased dramatically in the developed world, yet outcomes remain poor. Extensive endoscopic surveillance programs among patients with Barrett's oesophagus (BO), the precursor lesion to OAC, have aimed to both prevent the development of OAC via radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and allow earlier detection of disease. However, given the low annual progression rate and the costs of endoscopy/RFA, improvement is needed. Prognostic biomarkers to stratify BO patients based on their likelihood to progress would enable a more targeted approach to surveillance and RFA of high-risk precursor lesions, improving the cost-risk-benefit ratio. Similarly, diagnostic biomarkers for OAC could enable earlier diagnosis of disease by allowing broader population screening. Current standard treatment for locally advanced OAC includes neoadjuvant chemotherapy (+/- radiotherapy) despite only a minority of patients benefiting from neoadjuvant treatment. Accordingly, biomarkers predictive of response to neoadjuvant therapy could improve patient outcomes by reducing time to surgery and unnecessary toxicity for the patients who would have received no benefit from the therapy. In this mini-review, we will discuss the emerging biomarkers which promise to dramatically improve patient outcomes along the BO-OAC disease sequence.
Barrett's oesophagus,oesophageal adenocarcinoma,biomarkers,screening,neoadjuvant treatment
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