Dataset of Analyzes Performed to Determine the Level and Timing of Selected Organic Pollutants' Inputs in Sediments of the Lake of Cavazzo (Italy)

Data in Brief(2022)

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This data article presents the dataset collected for selected organic pollutants in the framework of a larger research project aimed at assessing the effects of different environmental stressors (natural and anthropogenic) in sediments of the Lake of Cavazzo, a basin of glacial origin located in a seismically active region of the Italian Eastern Alps. Information relative to sampling strategy and operations, location of sampling sites, sedimentary chronological benchmarks, and profiles of RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color code determined from high resolution photos taken at cores CAV-04 and CAV-06 are reported, together with analytical data for 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 21 polychlorinated biphenyls’ congeners (including the non-Aroclor CB-11), 14 polybrominated diphenyl ethers’ congeners, and 22 organochlorine pesticides, whose concentrations were determined by Gas Chromatography coupled both to Low-Resolution and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Interpretation of this dataset is fully discussed in the companion article by Pizzini et al. (2022) and relys on the multi-proxy analysis of sediment samples presented in Polonia et al. (2021) that highlighted lake stratigraphy and major changes occurring at a decadal scale since the 1950s.
Lake of Cavazzo,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs),PolyChlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs),PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs),OrganoChlorine Pesticides (OCPs),Sediments,Dataset
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