Percutaneous Drainage and Combined Praziquantel-Albendazole Therapy: a Novel Approach for the Treatment of Simple Echinococcal Liver Cysts.


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Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a worldwide helminthic zoonosis causing serious disease in humans. The WHO Informal Working Group on Echinococcosis recommends a stage-specific treatment approach of hepatic CE that facilitates the decision on what therapy option is most appropriate. Percutaneous aspiration, instillation of a scolicide, e.g., ethanol or hypertonic saline, and subsequent re-aspiration (PAIR) have been advocated for treating medium-size unilocular WHO-stage CE1 cysts. PAIR can pose a risk of toxic cholangitis because of spillage of ethanol in the case of a cysto-biliary fistula or of life-threatening hypernatriaemia when hypertonic saline is used. The purpose of our study is to develop an alternative, safe, minimally invasive method to treat CE1 cysts, avoiding the use of toxic topic scolicides.We opt for percutaneous drainage (PD) in four patients: the intrahepatic drainage catheter is placed under CT-fluoroscopy, intracystic fluid is aspirated, and the viability of intracystic echinococcal protoscolices is assessed microscopically. Oral praziquantel (PZQ) is added to albendazole (ABZ) instead of using topical scolicidals.Protoscolices degenerate within 5 to 10 days after PZQ co-medication at a cumulative dosage of 250 to 335 mg/kg, and the cysts collapse. The cysts degenerate, and no sign of spillage nor relapse is observed in the follow-up time of up to 24 months post-intervention.In conclusion, PD combined with oral PZQ under ABZ coverage is preferable to PAIR in patients with unilocular echinococcal cysts.
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Key words
cystic echinococcosis,interventional radiology,percutaneous treatment,praziquantel,albendazole
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