Imaging the End-to-End Dynamics of the Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction

Vol 55, Issue 3 (Heliophysics 2024 Decadal Whitepapers) Bulletin of the AAS(2023)

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Much of what we know about the solar wind's interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere has been gained from isolated in situ measurements by single or multiple spacecraft.Based on their observations, we know that reconnection, whether on the dayside magnetopause or deep within the Earth's magnetotail, controls the flow of solar wind energy into and through the global system.We know that nightside activity provides the energized particles that power geomagnetic storms.But by their very nature these isolated in situ measurements cannot provide an instantaneous global view of the entire system or its cross-scale dynamics.As a result, we don't know which mode of reconnection prevails on the dayside magnetopause or within the magnetotail as a function of solar wind and geomagnetic conditions.We don't know which mode or modes of nightside activity supply the most energized particles to the ring current.Nor do we know the dominant loss mode for ring current decay: precipitation, magnetopause outflow, or charge exchange with neutrals.Nor do we know how processes deep within the magnetosphere provide feedback to those happening in the outer magnetosphere.The answers to these questions have an impact far beyond magnetospheric physics, as magnetic reconnection, particle acceleration, and charge-exchange are fundamental plasma processes that operate at other planets and throughout the universe.Comprehensive end-to-end global imaging of the key micro, meso-, and macro-scale plasma structures that comprise the magnetosphere will provide the answers to these questions via observations with a spatial resolution that exceeds anything possible with in situ measurements.Each proposed interaction mechanism generates a diagnostic plasma structure or boundary signature.Global, end-to-end, imaging provides the pathway to understanding the system as a whole, its constituent parts, and its cross-scale processes on a continuous basis, as needed to quantify the flow of solar wind energy through the global magnetospheric system.The significance of each mechanism is the product of its amplitude and occurrence rate.This white paper describes how a comprehensively-instrumented single spacecraft in a highlatitude circular polar orbit provides the essential observations needed to track and quantify the flow of solar wind energy through the magnetosphere, including the solar wind plasma and magnetic field input, the magnetopause location in soft X-rays, the auroral oval in far ultraviolet, the ring current in energetic neutrals, the plasmasphere in extreme ultraviolet, the exosphere in Lyman-, the microstructure of the nightside auroral oval in ground-based all sky cameras, and the magnetic perturbations of ionospheric current patterns seen by ground-based magnetometers. Imaging the End-to-End Dynamics of the Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
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