Extracorporeal Life Support for Recurrent Hypothermic Cardiac Arrest: A Case Report.


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Hypothermia-associated cardiac arrest (HACA) is a challenge for emergency physicians. Standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) remains the primary intervention for the treatment of HACA, but extracorporeal life support (ECLS) may be needed as an adjunct to CPR. In this report, we present the case of an adult Asian patient who experienced two episodes of HACA at a two-year interval. In both episodes, the patient was treated with ECLS in addition to standard CPR. We discuss the fundamentals of HACA and how to safely and effectively incorporate ECLS into its management. No-flow time, age, comorbidities, and the cause of the cardiac arrest are criteria to consider when deciding on the duration of CPR and the intensity of the resources deployed. Hypothermia is a reversible cause of cardiac arrest, justifying prolonged CPR. According to the Hypothermia Outcome Prediction after ECLS (HOPE) score, active rewarming through ECLS is recommended. However, a history of cardiac arrest is rare and might be considered a severe comorbidity contraindicating ECLS use. Nevertheless, the indication is determined on a case-by-case basis.
extracorporeal life support,hypothermic cardiac arrest,ecls,cardiac arrest,hypothermia
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