Distributionally Robust Ground Delay Programs with Learning-Driven Airport Capacity Predictions

Haochen Wu,Xinting Zhu, Shuchang Li, Ying Zhou,Lishuai Li,Max Z. Li


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Strategic Traffic Management Initiatives (TMIs) such as Ground Delay Programs (GDPs) play a crucial role in mitigating operational costs associated with demand-capacity imbalances. However, GDPs can only be planned (e.g., duration, delay assignments) with confidence if the future capacities at constrained resources (i.e., airports) are predictable. In reality, such future capacities are uncertain, and predictive models may provide forecasts that are vulnerable to errors and distribution shifts. Motivated by the goal of planning optimal GDPs that are distributionally robust against airport capacity prediction errors, we study a fully integrated learning-driven optimization framework. We design a deep learning-based prediction model capable of forecasting arrival and departure capacity distributions across a network of airports. We then integrate the forecasts into a distributionally robust formulation of the multi-airport ground holding problem (dr-MAGHP). We show how dr-MAGHP can outperform stochastic optimization when distribution shifts occur, and conclude with future research directions to improve both the learning and optimization stages.
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