Effect of Particle Stiffness and Surface Properties on the Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Dense Microgel Suspensions

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science(2024)

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HYPOTHESIS:Particle surface chemistry and internal softness are two fundamental parameters in governing the mechanical properties of dense colloidal suspensions, dictating structure and flow, therefore of interest from materials fabrication to processing. EXPERIMENTS:Here, we modulate softness by tuning the crosslinker content of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels, and we adjust their surface properties by co-polymerization with polyethylene glycol chains, controlling adhesion, friction and fuzziness. We investigate the distinct effects of these parameters on the entire mechanical response from restructuring to complete fluidization of jammed samples at varying packing fractions under large-amplitude oscillatory shear experiments, and we complement rheological data with colloidal-probe atomic force microscopy to unravel variations in the particles' surface properties. FINDINGS:Our results indicate that surface properties play a fundamental role at smaller packings; decreasing adhesion and friction at contact causes the samples to yield and fluidify in a lower deformation range. Instead, increasing softness or fuzziness has a similar effect at ultra-high densities, making suspensions able to better adapt to the applied shear and reach complete fluidization over a larger deformation range. These findings shed new light on the single-particle parameters governing the mechanical response of dense suspensions subjected to deformation, offering synthetic approaches to design materials with tailored mechanical properties.
Colloidal particles,Large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS),Yielding,Rheology,Microgels,Atomic force microscopy
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