NF-ULA: Normalizing Flow-Based Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm for Imaging Inverse Problems

SIAM journal on imaging sciences(2024)

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Bayesian methods for solving inverse problems are a powerful alternative to classical methods since the Bayesian approach offers the ability to quantify the uncertainty in the solution. In recent years, data -driven techniques for solving inverse problems have also been remarkably successful, due to their superior representation ability. In this work, we incorporate data -based models into a class of Langevin-based sampling algorithms for Bayesian inference in imaging inverse problems. In particular, we introduce NF-ULA (normalizing flow -based unadjusted Langevin algorithm), which involves learning a normalizing flow (NF) as the image prior. We use NF to learn the prior because a tractable closed -form expression for the log prior enables the differentiation of it using autograd libraries. Our algorithm only requires a normalizing flow -based generative network, which can be pretrained independently of the considered inverse problem and the forward operator. We perform theoretical analysis by investigating the well-posedness and nonasymptotic convergence of the resulting NF-ULA algorithm. The efficacy of the proposed NF-ULA algorithm is demonstrated in various image restoration problems such as image deblurring, image inpainting, and limited -angle X-ray computed tomography reconstruction. NF-ULA is found to perform better than competing methods for severely ill -posed inverse problems.
Bayesian inference,Langevin algorithms,normalizing flows,inverse problems
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