Загрузка сиквенсов в базу данных коллекции (Specify 7) и экспорт данных в GenBank и GBIF v1


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Protocol for uploading sequences and their metadata into the Specify 7 database and subsequent export of data to GenBank and GBIF. The first stage of preparing sequences involves their initial processing (trimming ends, assembling), saving the edited sequence, and adding comments to the laboratory journal. The second stage involves the actual uploading of sequences, their metadata, and trace files into the Specify 7 database. The database serves as the primary long-term storage location for the sequences. From here, the data is exported to GenBank and GBIF. Exporting data to GenBank is done by creating a request in Specify and then uploading the table and sequences to GenBank through batch upload. Exporting sequence data to GBIF is done for all sequences open for publication in the database after receiving the corresponding numbers in GenBank. The export of sequences is done through a query template, exporting to a .csv table, and then importing the table into the Integrated Publishing Toolkit portal, where each sequence is linked to the corresponding specimen in the collection dataset.
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