Poster Abstract: Enabling Non-contact, Low-Power Sensing Using Tunnel Diodes

Yuvraj Singh Bhadauria, Lim Chang Quan Thaddeus,C. Rajashekar Reddy,Manoj Gulati,Dhairya Shah,Ambuj Varshney

2024 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)(2024)

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Tracking movements in the environment of macroscopic objects enables numerous applications, from monitoring vital signs through body movements to inferring hand gestures. However, current systems overwhelmingly rely on contact-based sensors or energy-consuming radio frequency mechanisms that necessitate complex radio transceivers for receptions. We present ongoing research on a novel low-power sensor that leverages the unique characteristics of tunnel diodes. This sensor can detect minute changes in its vicinity and communicate these changes over radio waves, all while consuming under 150 microwatts of power consumption. Notably, the transmitted radio waves are processed using low-cost, off-the-shelf radio transceivers, resulting in low cost and power consumption. The sensor’s functionality stems from the sensitivity of the resonant frequency of the tunnel diode oscillators to changes in their electromagnetic surroundings. Our early work exhibits its potential for detecting a person’s breathing patterns, and hand gestures.
Low-power Sensing,FM backscatter,FM transmitter,Tunnel Diodes,Radio Frequency
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