Cancer-independent, Second Somatic NF1 Mutation of Normal Tissues in Neurofibromatosis Type 1

Thomas R.W. Oliver,Andrew R.J. Lawson,Henry Lee-Six, Anna Tollit, Hynchul Jung,Yvette Hooks,Rashesh Sanghvi, Matthew D. Young,Timothy M. Butler, Pantelis Nicola,Taryn D. Treger, G.A. Amos Burke, Kristian Aquilina, Ulrike Lobel,Isidro Cortes-Ciriano, Darren Hargrave, Mette Jorgensen, Flora A. Jessop,Tim H.H. Coorens,Adrienne M. Flanagan, Kieren Allinson,Inigo Martincorena, Thomas S. Jacques,Sam Behjati


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Cancer predisposition syndromes mediated by recessive cancer genes generate tumours via somatic variants (second hits) in the unaffected allele. Second hits may or may not be sufficient for neoplastic transformation. Here, we performed whole genome and exome sequencing on 479 tissue biopsies from a child with neurofibromatosis type 1, a multi-system cancer-predisposing syndrome mediated by constitutive monoallelic NF1 inactivation. We identified multiple independent NF1 driver variants in histologically normal tissues, but not in 610 biopsies from two non-predisposed children. We corroborated this finding using targeted duplex sequencing, including a further nine adults with the same syndrome. Overall, truncating NF1 mutations were under positive selection in normal tissues from individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1. We demonstrate that normal tissues in neurofibromatosis type 1 commonly harbour second hits in NF1, the extent and pattern of which may underpin the syndrome's cancer phenotype.
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