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Dr. Jose C. Segovia is the head of the Differentiation and Cytometry focussed in the study of Hematopoietic stem cells, stem cell plasticity and cell reprogramming, and optimization of gene therapy for the treatment of hematopoietic inherited diseases. He is also responsible for the Laboratory of Cytometry and Cell separation (LACISEP) of the CIEMAT. Experienced in experimental haematology, stem cell biology, gene transfer and gene therapy using viral vectors, animal handling of mice models of human disease, human hematopoietic and liver xenogenic transplantation in immunodeficient mice, in utero transplantation, flow cytometry and cell sorting. Extensive knowledge in stem cel biology, hematopoeitic stem cells, inherited hematopoietic diseases (Piruvate Kinase deficiency, Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia, Fanconi anemia, Primary Hiperoxaluria type I), liver stem cell biology and liver regeneration. Dr. Segovia is the Vicepresident of the board of the Iberian Cytometry Society and active member of the Spanish Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (SETGyC), European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGTC) and the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT). Author 100 papers in indexed international journals on topics related with hematopoietic stem cells, gene therapy and cell reprogramming, Supervisor of 10 doctoral thesis, 5 filed patents, 4 orphan drug designations and 7 contracts with private companies
Research Interests
Papers共 319 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
MOLECULAR THERAPYno. 4 (2024): 95-95
Mercedes Dessy Rodriguez, Sara Fananas-Baquero, Carmen Contreras,Rolf Turk, Garret Rettig,Giandomenico Turchiano, Nathan White,Yi-Ting Hu, Michael Tadros,Jose-Carlos Segovia,Oscar Quintana-Bustamante
MOLECULAR THERAPYno. 4 (2024): 572-572
MOLECULAR THERAPYno. 4 (2024): 113-114
iScienceno. 4 (2024): 109530-109530
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry (2024)
Ami Shah,Julian Sevilla,Jose Luis Lopez Lorenzo,Susana Navarro, Lucia Llanos, Belgona Perez de Camino Gaisse, Sol Sanchez,Josune Zubicaray, Bert Glader,May Chien,Oscar Quintana Bustamante,Marta Gonzalez Vicent,June Iriondo,Michael Rothe,Philipp John-Neek, Antonella Bastone,Axel Schambach,Miriam Zeini, Grace Choi,Eileen Nicoletti,Gayatri Rao,Maria-Grazia Roncarolo,Juan A. Bueren,Jonathan Schwartz,Jose-Carlos Segovia
MOLECULAR THERAPYno. 4 (2024): 2-3
Yari Gimenez,Manuel Palacios,Rebeca Sanchez-Dominguez,Christiane Zorbas,Jorge Peral,Alexander Puzik,Laura Ugalde,Omaira Alberquilla,Mariela Villanueva,Paula Rio,Eva Galvez,Lydie Da Costa,Marion Strullu,Albert Catala,Anna Ruiz-Llobet,Jose Carlos Segovia,Brigitte Strahm,Charlotte M. Niemeyer,Cristina Belendez,Thierry Leblanc,Denis L. J. Lafontaine,Juan Bueren,Susana Navarro
JCI INSIGHTno. 10 (2024)
Paula Rio,Josune Zubicaray,Susana Navarro,Eva Galvez,Rebeca Sanchez-Dominguez,Eileen Nicoletti,Elena Sebastian,Michael Rothe,Roser Pujol,Massimo Bogliolo,Philipp John-Neek, Antonella Lucia Bastone,Axel Schambach,Wei Wang,Manfred Schmidt,Lise Larcher,Jose C. Segovia,Rosa M. Yanez,Omaira Alberquilla,Begona Diez, Maria Fernandez-Garcia, Laura Garcia-Garcia, Manuel Ramirez, Anne Galy, Francois Lefrere, Marina Cavazzana, Thierry Leblanc, Nagore Garcia de Andoin, Ricardo Lopez-Almaraz, Albert Catala, Jordi Barquinero, Sandra Rodriguez-Perales, Gayatri Rao, Jordi Surralles, Jean Soulier, Cristina Diaz-de-Heredia, Jonathan D. Schwartz, Julian Sevilla, Juan A. Bueren
LANCETno. 10471 (2024): 2584-2592
Antonio Lahera,Laura Vela-Martín,Pilar López-Nieva,Rocío N Salgado,Sandra Rodríguez-Perales,Raúl Torres-Ruiz,José L López-Lorenzo,Javier Cornago,Pilar Llamas,Pablo Fernández-Navarro,Rebeca Sánchez-Domínguez,José C Segovia,Isabel Sastre,María Á Cobos-Fernández,Pablo Menéndez,Javier Santos,José Fernández-Piqueras,María Villa-Morales
British journal of haematology (2023)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 319
#Citation: 4542
H-Index: 38
G-Index: 62
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 21
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