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Papers共 33 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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P. Cadena-Iñiguez,R. Rendón-Medel,J. Aguilar-Ávila, E. Salinas-Cruz, F. del R. de la Cruz-Morales, Dora Ma. Sangermán-Jarquín
R Rendon Medel,M M Rodriguez,J Aguilar Avila,J Reyes Altamirano Cardenas,Murcia H H,Pabon Castilla M L,R D Nunez,R Arteaga Ramirez, Manuel A Vasquez,S J Scherr,San Salvador Iicaholanda Ica, Laderas,San Salvador Ifpri,San Salvador Cimmyt,San Salvador Zamorano,B Miranda, Neideckergonzalez O Scherr S,O Neideckergonzalez, Jayne Taylor, M Tobon Coral,J E Guzman Perdomo, Julian M Ortiz, I Kure, J Ramirez Vallejo, M Urrutia, C Vargas, Eliana Patricia Londono Giraldo, N Urrea, L S Carrilloberenice Martinez, Alonso De La Pena Montenegro,Tamara R Castaneda, Terry L Campbell, G Paterson, Jose Brakarz, F Pappa, J E Fonseca Zamora,J H Cock,G Cadena Gomez,A Linares, Clemencia Mejia Gonzalez,A Bojanic, L B Ramkine,E Alarcon,A R Novoa Barrero, Sharon Perry,D R Hogg, E E Calles Saenz, H Saul,Jairo Eduardo Borgesandrade,R Rodriguez Sandoval, R G Hamermesh, Maria Del Carmen Lasprilla, H Osorio, H J Gomez, J E Vargas E, Juan Patricio Molina
D Et Al Tilsner,M A Seixas, Vallejo Paez S Quingaisa E Ortiz Reyes P Vinueza L,J I Pulido,Mar Alonso Almeida,Lucia Barcos Redin,Juan Ignacio Martin Castilla,Gerardo Esquivel,Braulio Serna Hidalgo,L Araya U,Cees Leeuwis,C A Welch,E Malagodi,J S B Cavalcanti,M N B Wanderley,M Munoz Rodriguez,J Reyes Altamirano Cardenas,J Aguilar Vila,R Rendon Medel,A Espejel Garcia,S C Buarque, Sepulveda S Edwards R, Barrera E Munoz R, J J,Furtado R Furtado E, Golley F B Bellot J,Carretero Gomez A Valenciano J De P Navas Patricio A, Pomareda C Steinfeld H Pomareda C,H Steinfeld, T B E Gonzales, Alcantara E Pena M De Laabuhadba M Flores D, Hoffman H Sciara A J,M M Placencia, De La Rosa A Moosbrugger W Otero W A, Hoffman H Sciara A J, Navarro Inostroza P Zacconi Quiroz R,D A Romao, Loudiyi D Meares A,Sepulveda S Castro A Rojas P, Sepulveda S Chinchilla S, Picado E Sepulveda S
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 33

#Citation: 771

H-Index: 23

G-Index: 24

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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